Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Food Coma Awaits

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Can't wait for the feast to start today! I'm ready.

I got home on Tuesday night and it's been nice. It's weird because, at first, my house didn't feel like home at all. It was awkward. But now that Ive been here a couple days, it's starting to feel more like home. Yesterday I worked a double at Applebee's, which was even weirder. I haven't worked in over three months, so it was strange to be there. I realized, though, that I really really miss it. I don't miss the work, but I miss the people. I wish I didn't have to leave them again. Luckily, I'll be back in just three weeks for a whole month.

I hope everyone has a great day!


Monday, November 24, 2008

Stage Fright

Tomorrow I have to give my speech. I'm really nervous because I haven't practiced a lot, considering I had to waste about an hour and a half trying to start/fix my stupid car. I just want my speech to be done because it is the last thing I have in that class before the final and, once I'm done, I get to go home. I am soooo excited for Thanksgiving! I can't wait to get home.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Today has been the laziest day ever. I have literally done nothing. And all I've eaten is chips and poptarts. It's kind of ridiculous. But this is usually what my Sundays are like.

Tomorrow I only have one class, which is nice. Then I am gonna go to the rec, ya know, to prepare for the Thanksgiving feast. After that, I will just be getting my speech ready for Tuesday. Can't wait for break...just two more days!


SORRY. I missed posting today by a little while. I've had a busy day, but we'll just pretend that I wrote this before midnight. :)

This has been a really amazingly awesome weekend. It's been filled with eating, watching movies, hanging out with my best friends, and the last football game. Overall, it's just been great.

I am really looking forward to Tuesday because, after I give an 8 minute speech, I'm going home. I can't wait for Thanksgiving and I get five days away from school. It's going to be fabulous!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Marathon Runner...Not

I am so proud. I finally got off my lazy butt and went to the rec today. It was great. :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Crashed And It Burned

I just got back from Washburn University in Topeka where Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea, gave a speech about his life and the start of the Central Asia Institute. The CAI was started by Mortenson almost 15 years ago and is an organization that builds and funds schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan. He also started the fundraising organization, Pennies for Peace, which I am involved with here at K-state. As a member of the Honors Program, I was required to read Three Cups of Tea over the summer and I found Greg Mortenson's story amazing and inspiring. When the director of the Honors Program, Dr. Kiefer, announced that Mortenson would be speaking at Washburn, I was very eager to go. I went with nine other Honors Program students and Dr. Kiefer. It was a great night. Afterward, Dr. Kiefer took us to Steak-n-Shake and bought us ice cream. We got back kind of late, though, and I haven't even started studying for my macroeconomics exam tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll do great.

Now, time for a fun, embarrassing story:

As I was walking into Washburn, I started up the concrete stairs in my nice, fuzzy clogs. All of a sudden, I tripped. At first I thought it was just a stumble and that I wouldn't actually fall...I was wrong. One of my shoes came off and I completely ATE IT. I didn't just fall down. I had to physically prevent myself from doing a somersault. That's right. If my hands hadn't magically stopped me, my face would have literally been in the ground. It was fun. When I got up, a random fat guy was laughing at me and made a comment about how I should have worn different shoes. Thanks for the advice.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Life Sucks..

I don't really have anything to say today. Nothing exciting happened. I was busy this morning and didn't get a chance to eat breakfast or lunch. That sucked. I had to sit through a boring lecture about choosing a career for business orientation. That sucked. I had to write a five-page essay in Spanish. That sucked. Right now I'm trying to write an outline for my 8-minute speech about equal pay for women. Guess what. It sucks. Basically, it has been a dumb, boring day and I can't wait to get my homework done and go to bed. I think tomorrow will be better and I'm definitely excited for tomorrow night. I'll give you the details then. Bye.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


At dinner tonight we saw a guy with a bowl cut...a college student. It made my day.

If you aren't familiar with this style, take a gander:

(photo courtesy of google images)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dancing Days

Last night I was bored and saw my pointe shoes hanging from my bed, so I decided to put them on. It's been about five months since I have done any sort of dancing, so it made me sad. For one, I miss dance a lot and it kills me to think that I will probably never do it again. But also, I noticed that I have definitely lost some of my technique and flexibility, one of the reasons I will never do it again. Instead of dance, I have taken up running to keep in shape (actually I haven't gone running in 3 weeks, for various reasons, but I am going to start it up again today). I like it and it is good exercise, but it is not the same. To me, running is just running. There is no excitement and only minimal room for improvement. Dancing was completely different. It was art, a way of expressing myself. There were always ways to improve and new things to learn. Every dance was unique. I had a passion for it and I put everything I had into each step. I will probably never have that kind of passion for anything ever again, and that is a difficult thought. I just wish my days as a dancer didn't have to end so soon.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Can't Live Without TV

I just made an amazing discovery: I HAVE TV!

I canceled our cable service about three weeks ago because only one of my three roommates was paying for it and I was the only one watching it (for football of course). I was really sad about canceling it. I hate missing football, so it hurt even more when I heard that the Chiefs third-string QB, Tyler Thigpen was playing really well. Today, I was desperate to watch. I knew that my friend, Hannah, still got the regular channels without having cable, but when I had tried it when I canceled the service, I got nothing. BUT, like I said, today I was desperate. I decided to turn on the tv just for the heck of it. When I did, I almost fell over. There, on the screen, was football. I couldn't believe it! I have about five channels, and right now, two of them have football games. I immediately ran out of the room to call my dad and tell him the news. (When I say ran, I mean I literally ran) Now, I am happily sitting in front of the tv watching my first Chiefs game in three weeks. Whether or not they win, this is a great day.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ahhh...The Weekend

Not much to say today.
Last night, my friend Hannah and I went to the Union to see The Dark Knight for $1. It was fun because I LOVE that movie. Then I went to her room and we watched The Bourne Ultimatum...another great one. Today I went to the KSU/Nebraska game, which would have been a lot more fun if we had a decent football team and if it was warmer than 40 degrees. I seriously think I might have frost bite. Hayley and I are going to have Jimmy John's delivered for dinner and I'm pretty sure all I'm doing tonight is homework, which is fine by me because I'm exhausted!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Eff Spanish...And Slackers

This is already a bad day...and it's not even 10:00. Why is it a bad day? Because last night was a horrible night. Let me explain:

I have to do a 25 minute presentation in Spanish over the mayas, aztecs and incas with two other people. Our second outline is due in class today, so for the last two nights, I have spent about 7 hours working on my portion of the outline to make it really good. This, alone, was frustrating and exhausting. But then, the other girl and I could not get a hold of the third member. He never e-mailed me his section, so guess what...WE had to do his part for him! I had to work even longer to make up for his stupidity and it literally gave me a headache. I went to bed late, and now I haven't even begun studying for my quiz in macroeconomics today. So, yeah, bad day. I'll post again later if there is any drastic improvement.

P.S. Good Luck at your audition today Missy!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I Rule All

Here are the grades I got on the three Physics tests I've had this sememster:

Exam 1: 105%
Exam 2: 106%
Exam 3: 103%

It's funny because when I saw my grade on the third exam yesterday, I was actually dissappointed that it was lower than the other two! The best possible grade, by the way, is 109%.
I've wondered before whether or not this class is so easy for everyone, but it's not. I talked to a girl who was ecstatic about getting a B on test 3 because she got D's on the first two.
I have one test left before the final, but since our lowest test grade is dropped, I honestly don't even have to show up for the last exam and I would still have an outstanding grade in the class. Of course I will, though, because now my goal is to get over 100% on every test. I'm pretty sure I can do it. Who knows, maybe on the next one I'll get 109%.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Luscious Locks

The other day, I bought some new shampoo and conditioner. Obviously, this wasn't a big deal...until I used it. I had Aussie before because it has the most amazing smell. This time I got the "Sydney Smooth" formula, and it is a miracle-worker! My hair is so soft and shiny, it's unbelievable! Normally I'm not much of a girly-girl who gets excited about her hair, but this is an exception. My hair has never looked so good!

(Stephanie: I don't know if you ever bought that other Aussie stuff I had, but next time get this formula. You'll love it!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I'm going to get serious this time. Sorry this is so long, but I am very passionate about this post. After all, I developed new dreams today.

In my Introduction to the Honors Program class we started talking a little bit about the awards and honors students can recieve. I must warn you: this may sound a little silly/overdramatic, but bear with me. My teacher began to describe the Latin graduation honors, Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude and Summa Cum Laude. As he described the shoulder piece for Summa Cum Laude, I began to feel restless and excited. Right there, I decided that I was going to graduate with this honor, the highest honor anyone can recieve. I pictured myself walking across the graduation stage wearing my extra accessory, and I had to hold back the smile that tried to appear on my face.
Then he began to talk about the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity, which is the oldest and most prestigious fraternity in existence. It is also one of the highest possible honors a student can recieve. As soon as he said that, I again decided that this was another goal of mine.
When I returned to my dorm, I did a little research on Phi Beta Kappa. Membership is for liberal arts students. I know many of you are thinking 'But she's a business major,' and you're right, but, recently, I decided to major in Spanish as well, which is part of the College of Arts and Sciences. This fraternity is not something you can apply for. A certain number of the eligible students are invited to join. To even be eligible requires at least a 3.7 GPA, two years of a foreign language, as well as many other liberal arts credits. Membership is life-long and members include many former presidents, as well as several current Supreme Court Justices. This is a representation of the brightest, most hard-working people in the country, and I want to be a part of it.

Anyone who knows me at all understands how ambitious I am, but I have to admit, this seems a little too ambitious, even for me. To graduate Summa Cum Laude requires at least a 3.95GPA. I am not so positive that I can do this. The only optimism I have comes in the fact that did it in highschool. I know what you're thinking: 'But this is college.' Yes. Those are my thoughts exactly, but so far, I have had no trouble at all in college. I know it will get harder, but, as time goes on, I will have more knowledge and I will be ready for the next level. Still, though, I don't think I can pull this off.
In addition, my chances of being selected for Phi Beta Kappa are very slim, in my opinion. It is an extremely selective group of incredibly intelligent and successful people. I would like to think that I fit into that category, but I just don't know. I don't even know if I will meet the membership requirements when my senior year comes around.

I realize that I have a very negative attitude about all this, but I can't help it. It seems like I am always the girl who works her butt off, almost to the point of exhaustion, and comes so close, but never gets it. For example, after four years in high school, I graduated with ONE B on my transcript. That's right. ONE. I got that grade first semester of my freshman year. Most people would call this a fantastic accomplishment, but not me. Because of that ONE B, I didn't recieve the Superintendent's Award at graduation. To this day, the thought kills me. For most people, this is not a big deal in any way, but I am not most people. If it seems like I'm overreacting about the award, you must understand, being successful in school is the absolute most important thing to me. I know that the awards/honors I recieve in highschool and college will have no effect on my success in the professional world, but that isn't what matters to me. My intelligence and hard-work are what make me who I am and what I want to be known for. I want to be as successful in school as I can possibly be. It hurts to think that after all of the work I put in throughout high school, I still could not achieve this award because of a grade from four years ago.

I want college to be different. I want to walk across that stage at graduation with a Summa Cum Laude award and an invitation for membership in Phi Beta Kappa. I want people to see me cross and think, 'Wow. She is amazing.' This is not important to a lot of people, but it is to me. It may seem too ambitious a goal, but this is what I want. I want to make it happen this time.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Good Day

Hello Hello!
Not much to say...
1) It was really really really cold AND rainy AND windy today, so walking to class was fun.
But I finally found my umbrella, so it was a little more bearable than the last few times it rained.
2) I'm happy because Physics is cancled all this week (tomorrow and thursday) so I get to sleep in. Woo! BUT I don't get my most recent exam back until next week, which is sad.
3) For my bigger Spanish assignments, we have to turn in an evaluation rubric that we print offline, and if you don't have it you lose 20%. Well I realized that I forgot it on the assignment I turned in Friday, but, luckily, he (reluctantly) let me turn it in today. Yay!
4) I was really motivated for once and got my homework done early today, so now I'm going to sit on my butt and do nothing the rest of the night. Sounds like a good time to me! :)
5) My mom (hi mom) got texting last weekend and today I got a message from her calling me "kiddo." It made me laugh.

Alright, that's all I've got for you.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Well I found out today that November is apparently National Blog Posting Month and that I'm supposed to blog everyday this whole month. So even though it's already the 9th, I'm going to try it from now on. Marissa is also going to do it. (Don't try to back out! You already agreed) Stephanie, however, has decided not to participate (slacker), but I'm not holding that against her. :) Now this is going to be quite an ambitious task for me because I am very busy and, well, I have a terrible memory, so forgive me if I forget to post a couple times.

Anyway, on to the current events of my life. (Don't be misled by the fact that I just said "current events." Although that term usually implies interesting, shocking, or exciting events, mine are none of those)
I'm still sick. It comes and goes though, which is good I guess. I just find it a little annoying because, at times, I think I'm pretty much better, but then an hour later, I feel miserable again. This weekend wasn't bad though because ALL THREE of my roommates went home. That's right. I had the dorm to myself the entire weekend! In fact, I still do. None of them have returned and probably won't until later tonight, and my actual roommate won't be back until tomorrow! It's been great. I've always appreciated my privacy/alone-time, but never as much as I do now. When four people live in the same place, there is ALWAYS someone there. I don't necessarily mind it because we are usually just sitting quietly at our desks, but it's nice to finally have some time to myself...especially since I'm sick. Basically all I've done this weekend is lay around watching movies and messing around on my computer. I've only left the room a couple times to go get the Chinese I had delivered last night and to do laundry today. If it sounds like I've turned into a sloth, you're right. Just remember. I'm sick. Overall, it's been a pretty good weekend and I did get a lot of homework done. I'm just not looking forward to when there are three other people living here again.

That's it for my current events, or event. (if it can even be classified as that)
Until tomorrow...Bye!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sitting around before class..

I have nothing to do at the moment, so I figured I would give you a quick update on my life. Here is an overview of the topics I will discuss:
1) I'm sick
2) Bye Bye Ron Prince!
3) Listening to ignorant people makes me want die
4) Spanish credits
5) Is it Thanksgiving break yet?

Sound interesting? Alright, let's begin.
1) I feel like crap! I have been sick this whole week and it is not fun. All I want to do is lay in bed, wasting my life away, but no. I have school. In fact, I had to get up early this morning to take a physics test. Luckily, though, I'm a genius in that class, so it went well. But, overall, I just want to feel better. I'm considering going home this weekend to rest/maybe go to the doctor if my condition hasn't improved.

2) Yesterday, Ron Prince was forced to resign!! Hooray!! Now, the Wildcats might have a future! I don't think I have talked to a single person, who is not happy about this event. In one of my classes (a large lecture), a guest speaker mentioned it and the hundreds of students in the room started clapping and cheering! It was glorious.

3) I could not possibly be happier that the election is FINALLY over. For anyone wondering, I did not vote...I never even registered. This is for two reasons: 1) I couldn't pick between the candidates because I liked/disliked them both for different reasons. 2) Politics is probably the most annoying thing in the world!
Even more annoying than politics, though, is ignorant people. I almost had a stroke near the end of the presidential race, just from listening to voters argue with each other. I admit that I am not the most knowledgeable person about politics, but I HAVE COMMON SENSE. It is absolutely mind-blowing to me how so many people can be so incredibly ignorant about the government and the economy, yet talk as if they're experts. It is so annoying when people support a candidate so aggressively, but do not even know why they support him/her. Everyone, PLEASE, make sure you know what you're talking about the next time you want to open your mouth!

4) This actually happened about a week ago. I had an appointment with my advisor and she discovered that I already have credit for the Spanish class I am currently taking AND the level above it. Obviously, this was a problem. So, I went and talked to the head of the Spanish program, and guess what! She didn't know what to do either! So, she then spoke with the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and they worked everything out. It is too late to switch classes now, but they will refund me for the class I'm taking, and I will get free credits for a lower class. Next semester, I will enroll two levels higher. The next two classes I take, I will get credits for the other two lower-level classes. Basically, the college is giving me 15 FREE credits in Spanish to make up for the mishap. Also, the head of the program advised that I major instead of minor, since I am starting at such a high level for a freshman. SO, now I have decided to double major in Accounting and Spanish. (and possibly a minor added later on down the road)

5) I am so ready for a break from school. I'm definitely getting sick of my classes, and can't wait to relax a little. Also, over Thanksgiving, I will be able to work a little and hopefully save my dwindling checking account. The most exciting thing, though, is that after Thanksgiving break, there are only 3 weeks of classes left. Basically, I will just be studying for finals, then I'm off for A MONTH! I can't wait. Next semester, I will get to start over again with completely new classes, new teachers, new everything. I actually enroll next Tuesday. Overall, I am doing well in all of my classes; I'm just getting bored. Can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving!