Monday, March 30, 2009

Life Is Fragile

Lynsey Fitzgerald passed away this morning. I got the news from a friend on my way to lunch. Lynsey went to my high school; she suffered from leukemia for many years. I did not know her well; in fact, I don't believe I ever had the pleasure of talking with her. Still, her death came as a shock, and it broke my heart.
People like Lynsey are inspiring. Every single day is a struggle for them, but they never give up. I can't even imagine facing the challenges Lynsey faced, and I doubt I would have the courage or strength to live each day, as she did. She has opened my eyes to all that I take for granted.
Even today, I found myself complaining about having a B in if that is a real problem. What is there for me to complain about? I am so lucky to have all that I do, yet I don't even take the time to stop and appreciate it. Why do I deserve to live such an easy life? What makes me so special? The truth is, I don't deserve it.
We all need to realize what really matters during our time here, and appreciate all that we are given. We need to help those who are struggling just to keep moving from day to day; they need us. We need to look up to people like Lynsey, for they are the ones who are truly strong; they are our inspiration. We need to live each day as if it was our last.

You are only given one life, and when you reach the end and look back, what is it that you will see? What will really be important at that moment? Think about this the next time you worry about wearing the right clothes, saying the right things, or just fitting in. Think about what really matters. Think about someone like Lynsey.

"Anyone can give up. It's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength."


cowboyup said...

Sorry to hear, it's very sad. Sounds like Lynsey was a very brave and positive person, and maybe we could all learn from her. LU

Anonymous said...

I was one of Lynsey's nurses and was looking for anything on the net about her. Thanks for writing this, even though you didn't know her. She was tough and quite a character. Love her! And love the quote you have at the end of this blog. Thanks-