Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mi Casa

I went home last weekend for the first time in about two months. The first thing my dad said to me was, "By the way, there's a toilet in your room...but you can't use it." Wow. Thanks dad.

Saturday night, I went to my friend's birthday party who's a senior in high school. It was the first high school party I'd been to since graduating and it was weeeiiiirrdd. There were only about six college people there and we all felt like old farts. I was talking to some old choir friends about my senior year and it felt lightyears away, like some distant memory. It was strange.

After that flashback, I flew back to reality here in college. Coming back to Manhattan, I found that I am broke, have tests to study for, applications due friday, and absolutely no time for relaxation. Ahh responsibility. I need spring break. Now.

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