Thursday, March 26, 2009


This week has been hard. It's not that I have too much to do, but that I have absolutely no motivation to do anything. My brain has failed to come back from spring break. I just keep making up excuses to avoid my homework. Even typing this post is a way for me to procrastinate. I wish summer would hurry up and get here.

Pretty much the majority of my time this week has been spent watching TV and staring at my computer. Yesterday afternoon, I spent two whole hours watching dances on youtube. There is a dance academy in California that is completely unbelievable, so I was looking at all of their videos, which were amazing. Then, of course, it just made me sad. I think that I miss dance more than anything else from my old life. It's like I am incomplete without it, like I'm not quite me. To this day, it kills me to think that I will never be on stage again. I just wish I could have had more time with it.

Oh, and I can't wait for So You Think You Can Dance to come back!

Here is one of the videos I watched yesterday that I thought was particularly amazing, even though they are all fantastic.
This girl is only 9 YEARS OLD:

P.S. It's supposed to snow this weekend. Ugh.


Anonymous said...

First of all, I love you a whole lot. Second of all, it is never too late to go back to dancing. You are so amazingly talented at it and I think you really shouldn't give it up, and never be on stage again. If you love to do Jaime, and i know you do, then don't let it go away. You can't just let a flame like that die... plus you are so good at it. haha so let's hang out soon!
love ya!

Jaime said...

the problem is that i don't have the money to do it. :(

i love you too. i'll call you next time i'm home.