Sunday, May 31, 2009

It Was Nice While It Lasted

Well summer has officially come and gone. Tomorrow I start my two summer classes, so goodbye sleeping in and hanging out at the pool.
I got home from school a little over two weeks ago. I finished the year off well and today I found out that I made the Dean's List again. I went back to work at Applebee's and FINALLY trained to serve. I like serving much more than hosting and I am making more money. Last friday I went to Worlds Of Fun with a few of my high school friends and we had a blast, but I spent all the money I had made.
Besides all of this, I haven't been doing much. I am really really dreading going to summer school. I wish these last two weeks wouldn't have gone so fast. I kind of just want summer to end. I miss Manhattan.


Kelly said...

Spoke too soon! I think it's funny you came to my pool TWICE this week after saying goodbye. If my pool had seen that, I'm sure it would have been very worried! Thank goodness it didn't and got to see your smiling face again.

Stephanie said...

oh my god are you ever going to blog again???