Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Veggin Out

It's easy to get used to doing nothing...which is precisely what I've been doing for the past week. Since I'm no longer working and most of my friends have already headed on back to school, my days have been spent on the couch watching reruns of various sitcoms and snacking on chips & salsa. At times, I toy with the idea of packing for school, but then a good show comes on, and that idea quickly exits my brain. The last couple days, I did actually leave the house to do some last minute shopping for the apartment and such. But because I chose to be a complete vegetable this last week, tomorrow I am going to be SUPER busy getting ready to move on Friday. And I'm just gonna have to pray that everything fits in my little car.
Man, I'm ready to get back to Manhattan..

In other news, I bought some aviators today. I am officially awesome.

1 comment:

CowboyUp said...

I'll miss you, particularly during football season. Love you, Dad.