Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sorry Boys, Girls Are Just Crazy

I have come to realize that there are a lot of things about girls that I don't get. Although I am a girl, myself, I still don't understand some of the stuff other girls do.

For instance, why are so many embarrassed to eat in front of boys?? This is the weirdest thing to me. I am proud of how much I can eat, and would never turn down a hamburger and fries just because I'm with a boy. Newsflash girls: EVERYONE EATS! No, I'm serious. There is not a living person on this planet that doesn't. In case you've never been to school, no one can live without food. It's a fact. So stop acting all embarrassed about it and dig in!

Also, I don't understand why a lot of girls shave/wax/nair their arms (and don't even get me started on guys that do it). What is so scary about hair? Again, everyone has it! Having smooth arms doesn't make you more lady-like; in fact, I'm pretty sure almost no one notices it. Who made it a law that girls can't be hairy anyway!? It's all so weird.

And, the big question, why are there so many girls that can't go anywhere by themselves?? It's as if they believe that unless they're surrounded by friends, people will think they don't have any. I'm pretty sure I've never met someone that doesn't have ANY friends. And if they are forced to actually go somewhere alone, they text or talk on the phone or just pretend to so that people know that they do, in fact, have friends somewhere! It's ridiculous. Lets, be a little independent for once, shall we?


Stephanie said...

Amen sista. You don't understand these things because you are a confident and well adjusted girl. Shoot, I've even been to the movies by myself! Trying that would maybe send some girls into hysterics.

Anonymous said...

I have met many people who don't have any friends and if your alone people are more likely to talk to you, hence the texting whilst alone.

Jaime said...

are you referring to yourself?
you have no friends??