Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Fears

The theme for this post is pretty much my biggest fear ever (after cockroaches, of course): Spiders. I HATE THEM. Even though I'm legally an adult, when I see a spider I turn into a screaming, frantic child. I can't kill them either because I'm too scared to get that close. My parents have to do it for me. While this may not be a rational fear, I doubt it will ever subside (snakes, on the other hand, are awesome). And I think my sister may be even more scared of these creepy, crawly devils than I am.

Here are two videos about spiders for you to watch.

The first is just funny. You've probably seen it on Youtube already, but enjoy:

The second one is basically my most horrible nightmare come true. I had to close my eyes for part of it. Brace yourself:

1 comment:

Mom said...

OMG! Why would you post that? That's the worst thing I've ever seen. I had to turn it off. I will have nightmares for the next month.