Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm A Big Kid Now

Well yesterday was my 18th birthday, but honestly, I don't feel any different. People always make such a big deal out of the mile-stone birthdays, as if a major change takes place. Yes, I will definitely witness some changes now that I'm officially an adult, but those are just minor. All-in-all, I am the same person I've always been.
I find it amusing that two days ago I wasn't allowed to buy cigarrettes or lottery tickets or vote, and suddenly, like I'm somehow a different person, I can do all of that. If I had gone to the gas station at 11:30PM on the 28th, I would not have been able to buy a pack of cigarrettes of a lottery ticket, yet a mere 30 minutes later, I can buy as much as I want. It's just silly to me.
Anyway, I did have a pretty amazing birthday. On Saturday, I went to see The Dark Knight with my dad, carol and marissa. It was one of the greatest movies ever! Then we went to Hereford House where I preceded to very nearly eat myself to death. Monday night, some family/friends and I went to Izumi, a Japanese Steakhouse for dinner. After, everyone came over to eat cake, open presents and play some Bopit! Then on Tuesday, my sister and my best friend, Kelly, made me breakfast and decorated the house. Later in the afternoon, Kelly, two other friends and I all went to World's of Fun and had an amazing time! Overall my birthday was pretty fantastic, no matter how much weight I gained.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I just got back from a 6-day trip to Virginia. Last year one of my best friends since 6th grade moved there when her dad lost his job. Since then I saw her once when she visited in October. We talked on the phone occasionally, but nothing felt the same. So me and two other friends decided to go visit her. Originally, it felt like wishful thinking, like we would never actually get there. Somehow, though, everything worked out and we had an AMAZING time! We did so much while we were there, including taking a trip to a beach in North Carolina and visiting Washington DC. It was so nice to see Katie, but it was sad to say goodbye to her yet again. The four of us decided that we want to take a trip together next summer, but my chances of seeing Katie again before then are EXTREMELY small. I just hope that we are able to keep in touch as well as we have when we are both off in college.