Monday, December 21, 2009

One is the loneliest number

Well people, I apologize for not blogging in a long time. And by "people," I mean Stephanie, And by "apologize," I mean I don't really care that much. What? Just kidding.

Anyway, I am currently sitting in an empty apartment watching the most uninteresting Monday night football game ever and listening to some tunes. The last of my roommates left today, and I'm stuck here working until Thursday (which is Christmas eve, by the way). It kind of sucks. I was really looking forward to spending some time at home, but I'll only be there for a week.
Last week was the oh-so-wonderful finals week. My favorite time of year...if the rest of the year was spent laying in a bed of nails. I had five exams. All cumulative. Let's just say, my brain was basically soup by the end of the week. But it's over now, and, by some miracle, I actually have a chance at a 4.0. Midway through the semester, that seemed impossible, but if I pulled off an A on my Spanish final, I think I'll have it. Guess we'll see. For now, I'm not really sure what to do with myself. I always feel like I should be studying or something. And now that I'm all alone, I'm really lost.

Sidenote, the Giants, who already have 45 points just intercepted the Redskins ball. How thrilling. I'm not sure why this is still on my tv.

I saw The Blind Side yesterday, which was ah-mazing. I laughed. I cried. I cringed. It really lived up to what everyone has been saying about it. Anyone who has not seen it needs to go now.

I realize everyone knows this, but I just want to say it: STEPHANIE HAD THE BABY!!!
Finally! I mean, really, what took so long?? I am so sad I didn't get to be there. I won't lie, I get teary-eyed whenever I look at her picture. I could not possibly be happier for you people. And let me tell you, you cooked up one pretty girl. I can't wait to finally meet her!

Well, I will see you all soon. Bye for now.

Monday, November 9, 2009


I am currently sitting at work. Doing this. No one really had any projects for me to work on today, so I have pretty much been doing nothing. I shredded a ridiculous amount of paper for about an hour, then I made some copies for awhile, and now I was told to do homework or something. My boss is at the chiropractor, and everyone else is just working silently. So...yeah. This is what I'm doing. I still have about 45 minutes left here, and I don't really know what to do with myself until then. At least I'm getting paid.

I guess I will go ahead and reflect on some recent events:

One of my best friends is currently interning in Disney World, and has been there since August. This weekend, she visited home for the first time, and stayed at my apartment on Friday night. It was sooo nice to see her and hear all about her Disney adventures! We and some other friends went to the K-state/KU game early on Saturday, which was pretty great. I just knew Todd Reesing would be useful.

This week is the first and definitely the last easy week for me. Up till now, I have been crazy busy all the time, but finally I get a bit of a break. I really can't believe how fast this semester has gone, though. It's going to be over before I even realize it. I absolutely can't wait for Thanksgiving to get here. But I have a lot to get done before it can. After Thanksgiving, there are only two weeks of classes left before finals. Unbelievable.

My sissyface announced that she is officially coming to K-state next year. All I can say is: YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

I've been at my new job for a week now, and I think it's gonna be really good. I like the people I work with, and I am definitely going to learn A LOT. Today is an exception.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sounds Good To Me

Wow. It has been quite a while since I last posted something on here. I guess it's time for an update.

This year has turned out to be a lot harder and busier than freshman year...which is to be expected, I guess. I've pretty much just been going to school, tutoring, and doing homework. That's about it. I do, of course, make time for the football games on Saturday, considering K-state is in first place right now (Sorry, I had to throw that in somewhere). This weekend is the homecoming game against Colorado, and I'm really excited for it. I think we could win. But who knows! We seem to play differently every week.

The tutoring did not quite turn into the job I was hoping it would be. It's a pretty good job because it is easy, and I can just stay on campus all day, but it's kind of annoying. If someone cancels or if we get done early because they don't have a lot of questions, I lose hours, even though I'll be on campus anyway. Also, people frequently neglect to call or e-mail me and instead, just don't show up. Talk about irritating..
But this problem was solved this week. In August, I interviewed for an office assistant position in the Continuing Education Division. I didn't get the job, and that's why I chose the tutoring. Well Wednesday, I got a call from the Director of Finance for that division, saying that he would have a position opening up for a student assistant and wanted to know if I would be interested. Of course, I said yes, trying to restrain myself from jumping up and down. I met with him yesterday to talk about the job, and near the end, when he said the words: "Sounds good to me," I got just a little excited...ok maybe more than a little. I won't be starting for around two weeks because I have to give the tutoring center time to fill my spots, but those two weeks can't go by fast enough! This job is so perfect for me, I can't stand it. And it basically just fell into my lap. I got a call one day, and the next day, I had a new job. I am going to be able to work with all sorts of accounting things like payroll, budget, bills, and peoplesoft. It's going to be amazing experience. And I'll definitely be working a lot this summer, considering that is their busiest time. I'm not sure yet how much I'll be paid, but the director said that since I'm an accounting major, I'll get a little more than campus minimum wage, which is what I make now. So, I'm going to get more money, more hours, and extremely valuable accounting experience. What more could I ask for!? Now, I think there is a reason I didn't get that other office job in August.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Life As Of Now

Ok, time for an update. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but I don't have a lot free time these days.
School is alright. My classes are kind of hard and very time consuming. Besides that this year is pretty much the best ever. I absolutely love my apartment and my friends...I couldn't be happier. It's unbelievable how much better this year is than last year.
I got a job a week or two ago as a tutor, and it is quickly taking over my life. I think it is a good job for me, but it's a lot of work. I now have eight "tutees," which is 19 sessions a week. I am basically on campus all day long,'s pretty exhausting. But I get $7.50/hr, and each session is about an hour long, so hopefully I'll be making good money. I have four students in Spanish, two in Macroeconomics, and one in Microeconomics.
In addition to classes and tutoring, I am also joining a business fraternity, called Alpha Kappa Psi. As a pledge, I have to attend a weekly meeting, take a couple quizzes and a final, and go through two interviews. Once I'm a member, it will look really good on my resume, and there will be a lot of networking opportunities, so that will be a good activity to be involved in.
I've also been going to the rec everyday, which has been nice. Believe it or not, working out is really my time to relax because as soon as I get home from class and tutoring, I have a mountain of reading and homework assignments to do. So it is nice to take an hour each day to go work out and breathe a little. However, now that tutoring is taking up so much of my time, I doubt I will be able to sacrifice that hour everyday. I already had to skip out yesterday.
I am starting to really look into studying abroad this summer. I met with an adviser at the study abroad office and discussed programs and financial aid. I'm really hoping that I'll be able to do it. All that stands in my way is money, but there are a lot of scholarships available, and if I have to, I'll take out a loan. I'm planning on going to Spain, which has been a dream of mine pretty much since I first started learning Spanish.

I think that's pretty much all that I've been up to lately. I've just been really busy. But my family is going camping this weekend, so that will be a nice break from school...even though I'll have to study for two tests while I'm there..

Friday, August 28, 2009

Here We Go Again

So the first week of classes is over...thank goodness! It felt like the longest week of my life. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate the majority of my classes. Yay. Overall, though, it went pretty well. It's gonna be a hard semester, but hopefully I'll do alright.
My least favorite class is definitely Information Technology for Business. Basically, I dislike just about everything that has to do with computers and really don't want to take another class on them. My teacher is just kind of annoying. His motivation to get us to refrain from saving our Friday homework for Thursday night is that it's "Survivor night! So watch Survivor." Duly noted, Teach. I'll be sure to have Survivor on while I'm doing my IT homework.

In other news, I finally have some luck on the job front. Yesterday I got two responses, and set up two interviews for the beginning of next week. One is an office assistant job and the other is tutoring. I really hope I get one because my checking account is almost down to just double digits. Not good.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back In The Hatt

For the maybe two people who read this, I'm finally taking the time to post on my new apartment.
I moved in last Friday, and let me tell you, it was no picnic. It took us quite a while to unload four ridiculously full cars up three flights of stairs. And did I mention it was about 95 degrees? Yeah. Not fun.

Sidenote: For anyone who is wondering, I did in fact fit pretty much everything I own in my car. However, I could not see out any of the back windows while driving. That was helpful.

After carrying everything upstairs, we super cleaned the kitchen because it was kinda gross and smelly, and took note of the various repairs needed. The whole apartment was a little jank at first. The doorknob for my bedroom was messed up and locked me inside one morning. What a treat that was. I just (hungrily) watched some TV for about an hour until my roomies woke up. Later that day, the maintenance dude came over to fix everything and gave me a new doorknob. Overall, though, it's a pretty nice place.
On Saturday, we explored the brand new Hy-Vee, which is really sweet. Our entire cart-full of food cost us only $87. I call that a win.
The last few days have been really lazy. There isn't really anything I need to do right now. I've been looking for a job, but haven't had much luck. I'm going to go out and apply to more places today. Hopefully I'll find something because I don't have a whole lot of money left...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Veggin Out

It's easy to get used to doing nothing...which is precisely what I've been doing for the past week. Since I'm no longer working and most of my friends have already headed on back to school, my days have been spent on the couch watching reruns of various sitcoms and snacking on chips & salsa. At times, I toy with the idea of packing for school, but then a good show comes on, and that idea quickly exits my brain. The last couple days, I did actually leave the house to do some last minute shopping for the apartment and such. But because I chose to be a complete vegetable this last week, tomorrow I am going to be SUPER busy getting ready to move on Friday. And I'm just gonna have to pray that everything fits in my little car.
Man, I'm ready to get back to Manhattan..

In other news, I bought some aviators today. I am officially awesome.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Adios Applebee's

Today was my very last day working at Applebee's...EVER. All I can say is Hallelujah! I've been waiting for this day for a long time...about two years, in fact. The Bee's was there when I needed it and it served me well, but now it's so long for good! Unless I can't find a job in Manhatty...then I'll probably have to settle for working at Applebee's there...but I'd rather not think about that. For now, I'm celebrating the end of an era.

And T-minus 4 days until I move. Woohoo!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Talkies

I have seen A LOT of movies this summer. Way more than usual. And I've pretty much liked every one of them. Here is my ranking of the movies I've seen from best to worst (and my opinion of each).

1. The Hangover was effing HILARIOUS. I thought I was gonna need new underwear afterward. It was definitely the best movie of the summer.

2. Up was sooo cute and funny and bubbly and happy. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I wish I could have seen it in 3D!

3. The Proposal was a surprisingly good movie. It was a little cheezy, but just made you feel good. And who wouldn't want to stare at Ryan Reynolds for two hours??

4. The Ugly Truth was also a feel-good movie. It was very witty and enjoyable. I love everything Katherine Heigl does.

5. Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince was a little bit of a disappointment for me. Overall the movie was good, but if you've read the book, you understand how terrible the end was.

6. Angels and Demons. I thought this movie was better than The Da Vinci Code movie...but I haven't read the book yet. I should really get on that..

7. Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen was waayyy too long, but it was still pretty good, I guess. I'm all for action movies, but something about robots fighting each other is not that exciting to me. Can't we just stick to people killing other people?

8. Terminator. The only reason this is at the bottom is because I don't really remember that much about it. I'm pretty sure I liked it, though. I do know it was super loud.

Sometime before I leave (in the next week and a half) I want to see: Funny People, Public Enemies, G.I. Joe, Julie & Julia, and The Time Traveler's Wife.

Think I can do it!? Yeah...probably not.

Friday, July 24, 2009

What are you doing!?

I really hate it when people clap at the end of movies. It's so annoying.
Newsflash people: They CAN'T HEAR YOU.

Friday, July 17, 2009


It has been a REALLY long time since I've posted anything on here, and I'm sorry about that! The reason is that I just haven't had anything to talk about.
My summer has been extremely uneventful. I am still working at Applebee's (unfortunately), and I'm not making as much money as I need to before school. Next Thursday I will finally be done with my 8-week summer classes, and I couldn't be more excited! After that, I'll have an entire month to relax before I start school again. But I am so ready to go back to Manhattan.

Last weekend, my family and two other families (the Sharps and Moravacs) went camping at Pomona Lake, and it was so much fun!
Friday night, we just set up camp and hung out. When we inflated the air mattresses, one of them reeked of cat pee. In the past, one of our cats liked to sneak into the closet where we kept those things and the mattress smelled horrible, so Marissa and Katie slashed the bed with a knife. Guess who was supposed to sleep on that bed? Yeah. Marissa and I ended up on the ground.
Saturday was pretty much the best day ever. When we got up, our family had the job of making breakfast for everyone else, and it was great. Then, after a quick Wal-mart run, everyone went swimming in the lake, which was fantastic. The Sharps brought one of their wave runners, so after swimming, we went tubing. It was a blast, but I forgot just how much work it is hanging on to that thing and how much it hurts when you can't! I'm pretty sure we fell off about five times, but it was still great. When we were done tubing, Marissa, Katie and I went for a ride on the sea-do for at least an hour, and I've gotta say, my butt was hurting after that! Then, a bunch of us threw the football around for awhile. Marissa finally let me teach her how to throw the ball right. Pretty soon, we might even have her watching a game! Well...maybe not. The Moravacs made an amazing steak dinner that night, and we finished it all off with some s'mores. After everything I did on Saturday and after sleeping on the ground, I don't think my body has ever been as sore as it was on Sunday. I felt like I was about 85 years old and could barely walk.
At about 6:30 Sunday morning, we awoke to blistering winds and terrential rains. I'm surprised the tent could withstand it. Everything that had been left outside was scattered across the ground. We decided to go to breakfast until the weather calmed down. Exhausted, we returned to the campsite, quickly packed up and headed home. That first shower felt unbelieveable.
Overall, it was an amazing weekend, and I can't wait for our next camping trip in the fall.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

It Was Nice While It Lasted

Well summer has officially come and gone. Tomorrow I start my two summer classes, so goodbye sleeping in and hanging out at the pool.
I got home from school a little over two weeks ago. I finished the year off well and today I found out that I made the Dean's List again. I went back to work at Applebee's and FINALLY trained to serve. I like serving much more than hosting and I am making more money. Last friday I went to Worlds Of Fun with a few of my high school friends and we had a blast, but I spent all the money I had made.
Besides all of this, I haven't been doing much. I am really really dreading going to summer school. I wish these last two weeks wouldn't have gone so fast. I kind of just want summer to end. I miss Manhattan.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Let's Just Pause For A Sec

Summer is officially here. I'm not quite used to it. I got home two days ago, and it kind of feels like I'm just here for a weekend visit. I also have this constant need to be doing something. I feel like I have homework or studying or some kind of work to do! But I don't. Weird. I guess that problem will be solved in two weeks when I start my summer classes. Yay. And I am going back to work on Monday. I'm serving this summer, so hopefully I will make more money than I have in the past because I am scary broke right now.

Finals week went pretty well. It was really stressful and extremely exhausting. I studied all day everyday, and it felt like my brain was slowly melting into soup. It got to the point where I wasn't even sure if I knew how to tie my shoes. I also found out that I talk to myself a lot more when I'm stressed and severely sleep deprived. It's a little strange. I get mad at myself and say mean things. If anyone was around me, they would think I have schizophrenia or something. Whatever. My tests were a little more difficult than I expected, but I think I still got A's. I'm just happy the semester is over.

I can't believe I'm done with my first year of college. It really is mind-blowing to think about. I graduated high school an entire year ago. And tomorrow, the next class is graduating! It's just so weird. I really wish time would slow down a bit, so I could really enjoy these next few years. Everything is just going a little too fast. Where is that darn pause button!?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

And So It Begins

Tonight, I officially began my studying marathon for finals week. I will be living in the library for the next few days. It would probably be easier just to sleep there, but I don't think that's allowed. I should have started studying a few days ago, but I've been really busy this weekend.
Here's a recap:

On Friday, I went camping at Tuttle Creek with my roommates for next year and some of their friends. It seriously was the best time I've had all year and a great way to finish off the semester. Saturday, my dad and Carol came to take down my loft (that was a fun adventure) and take most of my stuff home, so that I don't have to. Hayley's parents did the same thing for her today, and now our room is as blah as it's a little depressing. But it's nice to have a bed on the ground again. Then today, my mom and Marissa spent the whole day here and we had a lot of fun shopping, eating, seeing a movie, and eating some more. By the way, happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there. After they left, I immediately initiated StudyFest 2009.

I am just so ready for this semester to be over. It's a really weird situation, though. I don't want to have school anymore, but I really don't want to leave Manhattan. I also don't want to live in a dorm anymore, but it's kind of sad to leave the memories we made here. And I'll miss living with Hayley. It's strange to think that I will never live in Ford Hall again (not that I'll miss it). I already know this summer is going to suck big time. I wish I could just skip it and move into my apartment with my friends. I can't wait for that day to come.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Fears

The theme for this post is pretty much my biggest fear ever (after cockroaches, of course): Spiders. I HATE THEM. Even though I'm legally an adult, when I see a spider I turn into a screaming, frantic child. I can't kill them either because I'm too scared to get that close. My parents have to do it for me. While this may not be a rational fear, I doubt it will ever subside (snakes, on the other hand, are awesome). And I think my sister may be even more scared of these creepy, crawly devils than I am.

Here are two videos about spiders for you to watch.

The first is just funny. You've probably seen it on Youtube already, but enjoy:

The second one is basically my most horrible nightmare come true. I had to close my eyes for part of it. Brace yourself:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Why Even Bother?

In my statistics class today, a guy answered his phone during the lecture. This is not a big class, only about 25 or 30 people, yet he sat there talking and laughing on his cell. It was so rude and obnoxious. Of course, my poor, little, Polish teacher is too quiet and insecure to have said anything. The same guy left class around 45 minutes early. I just don't get it. Why did he even bother coming at all? People like that really bug me. They take nothing seriously and have no ambition. They all could use a slap in the face to bring them into reality. And do their parents realize they're paying for their son/daughter to skip class and party all the time? I guess not.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

School=My Death

I am really bad at keeping up with this lately. I'm sorry, but I'm super's kind of ridiculous. I don't really have any news; I've just been focusing on school a lot. I think my teachers banded together, so they could make these last few weeks as painful as possible. Their plan is working.
I did start working out again this week, which is good. Now, I feel a little less like a lazy slob. I got my paycheck from spring break last weekend, so my money situation has improved slightly. The parking ticket I got the other night didn't help, though. I watched the first two episodes of this new show on CBS, called Harper's Island. It's kind of awesome. I recommend that everyone look it up.

That's all the news I have. Basically, I've just been doing homework, eating, doing more homework, and sleeping an abnormally long time.
Can school be over now, please?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Thoughts

No one should name their kid Jasper. Ever.

I don't understand why some girls dye the underside of their hair jet black so that they look like a skunk when it's up.

The world is getting overpopulated. We either need to discover life on another planet or find a way to live underwater, and soon.

It should be acceptable to break up with annoying friends.

Why are we expected to speak with a Spanish accent in class when English-speaking Hispanics have accents? Can't we just be Spanish-speaking Caucasians? Or are we supposed to pretend to be Hispanic? I don't get it.

Don't put make out pictures on facebook. No one wants to see that.

Why do people I first meet feel obligated to tell me their whole life story? I just met you ten seconds ago...I don't need to know how messed up you are.

Debit cards are dangerous. Mine stole all my money.

I really don't care which way the toilet paper roll turns. My mother thinks it should always go under. I can't understand how it could possibly make a difference.

Why are people so obsessed with washing their hands? They're my hands. If they are covered in dirt and I want to eat with them, I will. They're clean when I say they're clean.

Stephanie sucks at blogging.

Why does no one play hide-n-seek anymore? You don't have to be a kid. I still think it's fun. I love coloring books too...and tag.

I am really bad at texting two-handedly. I just can't do it. I can only use one hand. Is that weird?

I think it's annoying when (on facebook) people 'like' something and then they comment on it too. Is that really necessary? One or the other. Please.

I love people who have the magical ability to make ANY situation awkward. I know quite a few of them. They make me laugh.

Why do people where fake glasses? I hate my glasses. There are people with perfect vision who where them. Why are they even in style? What happened to "four-eyes?"

Girls are too sensitive. I wish, for once, I could say what I'm really thinking when I'm listening to petty drama.

Computers are bad. I hate them. They have too many problems, yet my life depends on them. Pretty soon, they will control the world.

The next time someone asks me what my major is, I'm going to say I'm in ROTC. Just for fun.

Now, I have to go research the history of drug trafficking for a Spanish presentation. Who's jealous?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

What Happened?

I've been thinking a lot lately. Well, I guess I can't say lately because I'm always thinking a lot, but, instead, I've been thinking about the past. Often times, I find myself dwelling so much in the future, that I don't take the time to stop and remember the past.

I realized that my entire first semester of college is just kind of a blur. I feel like I wasn't really my self last semester, like I lost myself and someone else lived my life for a few months. It's not that I was consistently unhappy or anything horrible happened, but something was just different. Well obviously a lot of things were different. I don't know. It's hard to explain. It's not even that I had trouble with the change because I handle change fairly well. It just seems that when I think about the past, I kind of disregard that whole semester.

This semester, however, I found myself again. I am happy all the time, and I really feel that things are just going to get better from here. I can't wait to move into my apartment next fall with my new friends; I get more excited every day. Right now, though, I'm just waiting for can't come fast enough.

By the way, the weather is really getting on my nerves. I don't understand what's happening. I thought it was spring, but now I'm just confused.

Stupid global warming...wait, what?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Hello. I'm really busy this week so I don't have a lot of time to blog. Here is a list of things going on:

1) I'm starting to accept that there is no way I will get an A in Spanish this semester.
2) Today I saw a white guy with one pant leg rolled...he was serious.
3) My Psychology book actually felt the need to define the word, hunger: the general state of wanting to eat.
4) I can't wait to watch basketball on Saturday.
5) This is my favorite video of the week:


Monday, March 30, 2009

Life Is Fragile

Lynsey Fitzgerald passed away this morning. I got the news from a friend on my way to lunch. Lynsey went to my high school; she suffered from leukemia for many years. I did not know her well; in fact, I don't believe I ever had the pleasure of talking with her. Still, her death came as a shock, and it broke my heart.
People like Lynsey are inspiring. Every single day is a struggle for them, but they never give up. I can't even imagine facing the challenges Lynsey faced, and I doubt I would have the courage or strength to live each day, as she did. She has opened my eyes to all that I take for granted.
Even today, I found myself complaining about having a B in if that is a real problem. What is there for me to complain about? I am so lucky to have all that I do, yet I don't even take the time to stop and appreciate it. Why do I deserve to live such an easy life? What makes me so special? The truth is, I don't deserve it.
We all need to realize what really matters during our time here, and appreciate all that we are given. We need to help those who are struggling just to keep moving from day to day; they need us. We need to look up to people like Lynsey, for they are the ones who are truly strong; they are our inspiration. We need to live each day as if it was our last.

You are only given one life, and when you reach the end and look back, what is it that you will see? What will really be important at that moment? Think about this the next time you worry about wearing the right clothes, saying the right things, or just fitting in. Think about what really matters. Think about someone like Lynsey.

"Anyone can give up. It's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength."

Saturday, March 28, 2009

No Hablo Ingles

Today, Hayley and I walked (through the snow/cold) to Aggieville to grab lunch and do some studying in a little coffee shop. I was reading my Psychology book, a chapter on intelligence, when I got to a section about the development of language. It was explaining how young children learn how to speak the language they hear most often. Then, as a result of my boredom/sleepiness, I had a crazy idea: What if I only spoke Spanish around my children? I could raise completely white, American kids, who couldn't speak any English, only Spanish. How awesome would that be!? They could be some kind of weird, hybrid kids; it would freak everybody out. Granted, school would be a bit more of a challenge, but at least I would be amused.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring, where have you gone?

It is snowing. I'm mad. And cold.
Mother Nature hates Kansas.

..and I'm really glad I took my coats home last week.

Anyway, here's a weird story. The other day in Psychology, I watched as a girl picked several long hairs off of the back of the girl sitting in front of her. These two girls are not friends. And the one with the hairs on her back was completely unaware of the situation. It kind of creeped me out. Is this girl so OCD about stray hairs that she feels the need to pick them off of a completely oblivious stranger? I guess so. Weird.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


This week has been hard. It's not that I have too much to do, but that I have absolutely no motivation to do anything. My brain has failed to come back from spring break. I just keep making up excuses to avoid my homework. Even typing this post is a way for me to procrastinate. I wish summer would hurry up and get here.

Pretty much the majority of my time this week has been spent watching TV and staring at my computer. Yesterday afternoon, I spent two whole hours watching dances on youtube. There is a dance academy in California that is completely unbelievable, so I was looking at all of their videos, which were amazing. Then, of course, it just made me sad. I think that I miss dance more than anything else from my old life. It's like I am incomplete without it, like I'm not quite me. To this day, it kills me to think that I will never be on stage again. I just wish I could have had more time with it.

Oh, and I can't wait for So You Think You Can Dance to come back!

Here is one of the videos I watched yesterday that I thought was particularly amazing, even though they are all fantastic.
This girl is only 9 YEARS OLD:

P.S. It's supposed to snow this weekend. Ugh.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This morning I recieved my second rejection letter this month; this time it was for a scholarship I applied for. The first one was for a Sophomore Honorary, Silver Key, which I really wanted to get into.
It always says the same thing: "We regret to inform you that you did not recieve an interview..." These words make it even more disheartening because I know that they don't "regret" their decision at all. They don't care; they don't even know me. It's not like I had my heart set on getting the scholarship, anyway. The part that bugs me is the failure. I have failed...again.
For me, this is a hard concept to handle. I work so hard to be the best that I can be, the best there is. I don't want to just be good, or even great; I want to be extraordinary. But as I get older, it takes more and more to truly be extraordinary, and I always fall just short of the mark.
In high school, it was easy for me. My grades were consistently good, choir helped me stay involved, and I got into most of the things I applied for. Now, however, I am a freshman in college. I don't know how or where to get really involved. That's the thing; having a 4.0 GPA isn't enough, anymore. You have to be "well-rounded." You have to be involved in anything and everything. BUT you can't just be involved; you have to be a leader. You have to hold offices. On top of all that, you have to do community service to show that you are a valuable citizen. And, finally, you have to stand out from everyone else. Once you get an interview, you have to show that you have a good personality, good morals, responsibility, leadership abilities, etc. Based on all of this, I don't think I can ever be extraordinary; I'll just have to settle for good. After all, I guess there is nothing wrong with being good..

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I often find myself thinking about my future. There are so many things I want to accomplish that it can almost be overwhelming. My many ambitions are what keep me going from day to day, and I work hard to reach my goals. The biggest goal I have is to travel the world. I want to see all there is to see and learn more than I ever thought I could. No matter how my life turns out, I am determined to do this.

In case it’s not obvious, I have always been a planner…I really can’t help it. I already have the next 3 or 4 years of my life pretty much planned out. But no matter how much I plan, I cannot control the future; this is precisely what makes it so exciting. The unpredictability is exhilarating…and a little scary. At any moment, my life could change forever; whether it is for better or for worse, there is no way to tell. For this reason, it is important to appreciate every moment for what it is. I try to live my life with no regrets. I do believe that everything happens for a reason. There is no point in dwelling on some mistake from my past; it’s over and cannot be undone. Instead, I learn from my mistakes, cherish the good times I’ve had, and dream about what the future may hold.

Although it is difficult at times, I try to always be optimistic. I strive to find happiness in everything I do. After all, happiness is not something to be found; it is something to be created. Sadness, however, is often unavoidable. I found a quote once by a guy named Carl Gustav Jung. I have no idea who that is (or why his name is part German, part Chinese), but I like what he said (or wrote? I really don’t know). Here it is:

There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.

His words are so true. If we never suffered grief, heartbreak, remorse, etc., happiness would be completely meaningless. Life is never without obstacles, but it is our responsibility to overcome them and find the pleasure that awaits on the other side.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Where Did Break Go?

Well spring break is officially over.
I drove back to school today and now I'm really depressed. Break went by way too fast for me, and I barely had time to enjoy it. I wasn't planning on working until I noticed that I have no money, so I was forced to return to Applebee's...again. Work was about all I did this last week, but I also had some time to relax and hang out with a couple friends. Overall, it was nice, and I wasn't ready to come back; I even have some homework to do tonight.

Only two months until summer!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sorry Boys, Girls Are Just Crazy

I have come to realize that there are a lot of things about girls that I don't get. Although I am a girl, myself, I still don't understand some of the stuff other girls do.

For instance, why are so many embarrassed to eat in front of boys?? This is the weirdest thing to me. I am proud of how much I can eat, and would never turn down a hamburger and fries just because I'm with a boy. Newsflash girls: EVERYONE EATS! No, I'm serious. There is not a living person on this planet that doesn't. In case you've never been to school, no one can live without food. It's a fact. So stop acting all embarrassed about it and dig in!

Also, I don't understand why a lot of girls shave/wax/nair their arms (and don't even get me started on guys that do it). What is so scary about hair? Again, everyone has it! Having smooth arms doesn't make you more lady-like; in fact, I'm pretty sure almost no one notices it. Who made it a law that girls can't be hairy anyway!? It's all so weird.

And, the big question, why are there so many girls that can't go anywhere by themselves?? It's as if they believe that unless they're surrounded by friends, people will think they don't have any. I'm pretty sure I've never met someone that doesn't have ANY friends. And if they are forced to actually go somewhere alone, they text or talk on the phone or just pretend to so that people know that they do, in fact, have friends somewhere! It's ridiculous. Lets, be a little independent for once, shall we?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mi Casa

I went home last weekend for the first time in about two months. The first thing my dad said to me was, "By the way, there's a toilet in your room...but you can't use it." Wow. Thanks dad.

Saturday night, I went to my friend's birthday party who's a senior in high school. It was the first high school party I'd been to since graduating and it was weeeiiiirrdd. There were only about six college people there and we all felt like old farts. I was talking to some old choir friends about my senior year and it felt lightyears away, like some distant memory. It was strange.

After that flashback, I flew back to reality here in college. Coming back to Manhattan, I found that I am broke, have tests to study for, applications due friday, and absolutely no time for relaxation. Ahh responsibility. I need spring break. Now.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Remember the good old days of Bugs Bunny and Tom & Jerry??
Well those are long gone.

Take a look at what kids are watching now:

I have a feeling this is a marketing attempt to convince children to use crack.

Oh and by the way, IT'S FRIDAYYYYY!!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Now you're fashionable, Mom

According to Lucky magazine, oversized glasses are back. Apparently they're all the rage in Paris.

(photo courtesy of

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sick Is Fun

Hola! Sorry I'm really not very good at keeping up with this.
Not much to say here. I've been sick all week, which sucks. I'm starting to actually get really stressed about school because I have about 8 million things to get done, but I'm still recovering, so I would prefer to continue hibernating in my dorm room. Unfortunately, that's not an option. Today, Hayley and I are going to see He's Just Not That Into You, which will be a nice improvement from my usual activities. This weekend is not much of a weekend at all. I was so ready for it too. Last night I just studied for Psychology and watched tv by myself. This morning I did laundry whilst studying some more. And tonight I will be studying, yet again. Isn't life great? I just need to make it to spring break and then all will be good. Only three more weeks!
That's all for now, though. Adios!

Oh and by the way, this bipolar weather is really starting to get on my nerves..

Monday, February 2, 2009

Superbowl Sunday

After a day like yesterday, I feel that I absolutely MUST post something on here. I'm talking about the Superbowl. That game was completely epic in so many ways. And for all of you non-footballers (aka Megan and Marissa), here's a little recap. :)
To start, it is definitely in the top 10 of best games I've ever seen...maybe even top 5...or 1. I wanted the Steelers to get it from the start, but I have to hand it to Arizona; they sure tried. They were just 9-7 in the regular season, and were not even thought of as Superbowl contenders. But they stepped it up in their post-season games and got there; it was their first-ever Superbowl appearance. Even after that, though, I never even expected them to come close to winning, but they surprised me. They certainly had an amazing comeback in the second half, and, if they had won, it would have been the biggest comeback in Superbowl history. I do have to say that I really like Kurt Warner, not just as a player, but also as a person (there you go Carol). And, although he didn't do too much in last night's game, Larry Fitzgerald may just be superhuman!
Anyway, enough about the Cardinals because, who really cares??
Pittsburgh played amazing throughout the entire game (with the exception of one turnover by Ben Roethlisberger). The last play before the half was truly historic. If you don't remember, let me remind you: the Cardinals were on the 2 yard line with 18 seconds left. Kurt Warner threw a bad pass, which was intercepted by the Steelers' James Harrison, who, then, ran it ALL THE WAY BACK TO SCORE A TOUCHDOWN!! It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. I was literally screaming.
But then, Arizona came back and actually took the lead. On Pittsburgh's last drive, Santonio Holmes won the game! He could not be more deserving of the title, Superbowl MVP. His touchdown catch was so perfect, it was unbelievable. Not only was he in triple-coverage, he had to fight just to keep his feet in-bounds. That last drive was so intense, I thought my heart was going to burst. By the end, I was jumping up and down. THAT was an amazing game. And don't forget that Pittsburgh is the first franchise to ever win six Superbowl titles.

There were only two negatives with Superbowl 43:
1) The commercials were meant for the pleasure of the insane.
2) The half-time show WAS insane...really horrible.

Ok. I'm done pretending to be a sports journalist. Now, I have to go get ready for my first intramural basketball game. That's right. I joined a basketball team.

See ya!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

B-ball And...F-ball?

Nothing much to say...I'm just really bored right now.
This week has been good though. Last night I went to my first college basketball game and it was awesome. We killed MU! And basketball games are so much more fun than football games because there are no dull moments...something is always happening. I bought a ticket to the game against KU on V-day and I can't wait!
I'm still looking forward to Superbowl Sunday. I still, however, have no plans that day. I might go home b/c apparently there is a party going on at my house. I just don't know if I want to make the drive. We'll see.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

School Is Where The Cool Kids Are

I haven't said anything for awhile, so I thought I would let everyone know what's going on right now.

I am back in Manhattan and have started school. I really think this semester is going to be great. First of all, after Kelly and Kim moved out, we didn't get new roommates! Hayley and I have an entire empty room next to us! I couldn't be happier about it. We have been having so much fun. We have frequent movie nights and our friends come over and hangout all the time. It is SO much better than last semester.
I like all of my classes except for Business/Econ Statistics. I can't stand the teacher, and boring doesn't even begin to describe this class. Oh, and did I mention the teacher is Polish?? Besides that class, school is good and I don't think it's going to be much of a challenge.
Today, Hayley and I are going to see Slumdog Millionare, which I am excited about because it is supposed to be amazing. I am also looking forward to the Superbowl next Sunday. (Go Steelers!) I haven't really heard of anyone doing something fun for the game, so I might possibly maybe be going home. I don't know yet, though.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Does This Qualify As A "Break?"

Hi! Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted. I've been very busy...and lazy.

All of my finals went well and I got straight A's my first semester. The one grade that actually really surprised me (and the one grade that really didn't matter) was physics. In the last post, I mentioned that I took it in just 15 minutes. Well, I got 109%!!! That was pretty unexpected.

I've been at home since December 19 and, honestly, break has kind of sucked. I had a house-sitting job for 11 days and I hated it. It's horrible to be here, but not living in my own precious house that I've been away from for four months. On top of that, Applebee's has officially become my home/life. I work everyday. Last week I worked almost 50 hours in 7 days! Not only am I just plain sick of working, I am exhausted! Because of all this I haven't spent any time with my family, let alone my friends. It just hasn't been the relaxing break I was hoping for. In all honesty, my life will be less stressful when I get back to school, which I am now looking forward to. The one up-side to all of this work is the money. I was practically broke by the end of first semester, and now I'm feeling a little more financially stable. I got $500 for the house-sitting and I should be earning a relatively good amount from Applebee's, as well. I just have to keep telling myself that all of this is worth it.

Christmas was alright...I guess. That happened during the housesitting, so I basically came home to eat and open presents and then returned to my dungeon (aka the other house...but I felt like a prisoner). I did get a lot of cash, which, of course, was needed. I also got all of the 3 or 4 things I asked for (boots, a northface jacket, and a coat). New Year's Eve was nothing special at all. I worked a double that day and went to bed early. Woohoo.

The one thing that has really kept me alive these last few weeks is Twilight. When I was in Manhattan, some friends and I saw the Twilight movie and I thought it was really good. Since Marissa has all four books, I figured I'd read them over break to have something to do. I have to say, they are really great. I'm about halfway through the third right now, and I should get them all done before I head back to school.