Thursday, January 29, 2009

B-ball And...F-ball?

Nothing much to say...I'm just really bored right now.
This week has been good though. Last night I went to my first college basketball game and it was awesome. We killed MU! And basketball games are so much more fun than football games because there are no dull moments...something is always happening. I bought a ticket to the game against KU on V-day and I can't wait!
I'm still looking forward to Superbowl Sunday. I still, however, have no plans that day. I might go home b/c apparently there is a party going on at my house. I just don't know if I want to make the drive. We'll see.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

School Is Where The Cool Kids Are

I haven't said anything for awhile, so I thought I would let everyone know what's going on right now.

I am back in Manhattan and have started school. I really think this semester is going to be great. First of all, after Kelly and Kim moved out, we didn't get new roommates! Hayley and I have an entire empty room next to us! I couldn't be happier about it. We have been having so much fun. We have frequent movie nights and our friends come over and hangout all the time. It is SO much better than last semester.
I like all of my classes except for Business/Econ Statistics. I can't stand the teacher, and boring doesn't even begin to describe this class. Oh, and did I mention the teacher is Polish?? Besides that class, school is good and I don't think it's going to be much of a challenge.
Today, Hayley and I are going to see Slumdog Millionare, which I am excited about because it is supposed to be amazing. I am also looking forward to the Superbowl next Sunday. (Go Steelers!) I haven't really heard of anyone doing something fun for the game, so I might possibly maybe be going home. I don't know yet, though.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Does This Qualify As A "Break?"

Hi! Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted. I've been very busy...and lazy.

All of my finals went well and I got straight A's my first semester. The one grade that actually really surprised me (and the one grade that really didn't matter) was physics. In the last post, I mentioned that I took it in just 15 minutes. Well, I got 109%!!! That was pretty unexpected.

I've been at home since December 19 and, honestly, break has kind of sucked. I had a house-sitting job for 11 days and I hated it. It's horrible to be here, but not living in my own precious house that I've been away from for four months. On top of that, Applebee's has officially become my home/life. I work everyday. Last week I worked almost 50 hours in 7 days! Not only am I just plain sick of working, I am exhausted! Because of all this I haven't spent any time with my family, let alone my friends. It just hasn't been the relaxing break I was hoping for. In all honesty, my life will be less stressful when I get back to school, which I am now looking forward to. The one up-side to all of this work is the money. I was practically broke by the end of first semester, and now I'm feeling a little more financially stable. I got $500 for the house-sitting and I should be earning a relatively good amount from Applebee's, as well. I just have to keep telling myself that all of this is worth it.

Christmas was alright...I guess. That happened during the housesitting, so I basically came home to eat and open presents and then returned to my dungeon (aka the other house...but I felt like a prisoner). I did get a lot of cash, which, of course, was needed. I also got all of the 3 or 4 things I asked for (boots, a northface jacket, and a coat). New Year's Eve was nothing special at all. I worked a double that day and went to bed early. Woohoo.

The one thing that has really kept me alive these last few weeks is Twilight. When I was in Manhattan, some friends and I saw the Twilight movie and I thought it was really good. Since Marissa has all four books, I figured I'd read them over break to have something to do. I have to say, they are really great. I'm about halfway through the third right now, and I should get them all done before I head back to school.