Sunday, May 31, 2009

It Was Nice While It Lasted

Well summer has officially come and gone. Tomorrow I start my two summer classes, so goodbye sleeping in and hanging out at the pool.
I got home from school a little over two weeks ago. I finished the year off well and today I found out that I made the Dean's List again. I went back to work at Applebee's and FINALLY trained to serve. I like serving much more than hosting and I am making more money. Last friday I went to Worlds Of Fun with a few of my high school friends and we had a blast, but I spent all the money I had made.
Besides all of this, I haven't been doing much. I am really really dreading going to summer school. I wish these last two weeks wouldn't have gone so fast. I kind of just want summer to end. I miss Manhattan.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Let's Just Pause For A Sec

Summer is officially here. I'm not quite used to it. I got home two days ago, and it kind of feels like I'm just here for a weekend visit. I also have this constant need to be doing something. I feel like I have homework or studying or some kind of work to do! But I don't. Weird. I guess that problem will be solved in two weeks when I start my summer classes. Yay. And I am going back to work on Monday. I'm serving this summer, so hopefully I will make more money than I have in the past because I am scary broke right now.

Finals week went pretty well. It was really stressful and extremely exhausting. I studied all day everyday, and it felt like my brain was slowly melting into soup. It got to the point where I wasn't even sure if I knew how to tie my shoes. I also found out that I talk to myself a lot more when I'm stressed and severely sleep deprived. It's a little strange. I get mad at myself and say mean things. If anyone was around me, they would think I have schizophrenia or something. Whatever. My tests were a little more difficult than I expected, but I think I still got A's. I'm just happy the semester is over.

I can't believe I'm done with my first year of college. It really is mind-blowing to think about. I graduated high school an entire year ago. And tomorrow, the next class is graduating! It's just so weird. I really wish time would slow down a bit, so I could really enjoy these next few years. Everything is just going a little too fast. Where is that darn pause button!?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

And So It Begins

Tonight, I officially began my studying marathon for finals week. I will be living in the library for the next few days. It would probably be easier just to sleep there, but I don't think that's allowed. I should have started studying a few days ago, but I've been really busy this weekend.
Here's a recap:

On Friday, I went camping at Tuttle Creek with my roommates for next year and some of their friends. It seriously was the best time I've had all year and a great way to finish off the semester. Saturday, my dad and Carol came to take down my loft (that was a fun adventure) and take most of my stuff home, so that I don't have to. Hayley's parents did the same thing for her today, and now our room is as blah as it's a little depressing. But it's nice to have a bed on the ground again. Then today, my mom and Marissa spent the whole day here and we had a lot of fun shopping, eating, seeing a movie, and eating some more. By the way, happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there. After they left, I immediately initiated StudyFest 2009.

I am just so ready for this semester to be over. It's a really weird situation, though. I don't want to have school anymore, but I really don't want to leave Manhattan. I also don't want to live in a dorm anymore, but it's kind of sad to leave the memories we made here. And I'll miss living with Hayley. It's strange to think that I will never live in Ford Hall again (not that I'll miss it). I already know this summer is going to suck big time. I wish I could just skip it and move into my apartment with my friends. I can't wait for that day to come.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Fears

The theme for this post is pretty much my biggest fear ever (after cockroaches, of course): Spiders. I HATE THEM. Even though I'm legally an adult, when I see a spider I turn into a screaming, frantic child. I can't kill them either because I'm too scared to get that close. My parents have to do it for me. While this may not be a rational fear, I doubt it will ever subside (snakes, on the other hand, are awesome). And I think my sister may be even more scared of these creepy, crawly devils than I am.

Here are two videos about spiders for you to watch.

The first is just funny. You've probably seen it on Youtube already, but enjoy:

The second one is basically my most horrible nightmare come true. I had to close my eyes for part of it. Brace yourself: