Thursday, April 23, 2009

Why Even Bother?

In my statistics class today, a guy answered his phone during the lecture. This is not a big class, only about 25 or 30 people, yet he sat there talking and laughing on his cell. It was so rude and obnoxious. Of course, my poor, little, Polish teacher is too quiet and insecure to have said anything. The same guy left class around 45 minutes early. I just don't get it. Why did he even bother coming at all? People like that really bug me. They take nothing seriously and have no ambition. They all could use a slap in the face to bring them into reality. And do their parents realize they're paying for their son/daughter to skip class and party all the time? I guess not.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

School=My Death

I am really bad at keeping up with this lately. I'm sorry, but I'm super's kind of ridiculous. I don't really have any news; I've just been focusing on school a lot. I think my teachers banded together, so they could make these last few weeks as painful as possible. Their plan is working.
I did start working out again this week, which is good. Now, I feel a little less like a lazy slob. I got my paycheck from spring break last weekend, so my money situation has improved slightly. The parking ticket I got the other night didn't help, though. I watched the first two episodes of this new show on CBS, called Harper's Island. It's kind of awesome. I recommend that everyone look it up.

That's all the news I have. Basically, I've just been doing homework, eating, doing more homework, and sleeping an abnormally long time.
Can school be over now, please?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Thoughts

No one should name their kid Jasper. Ever.

I don't understand why some girls dye the underside of their hair jet black so that they look like a skunk when it's up.

The world is getting overpopulated. We either need to discover life on another planet or find a way to live underwater, and soon.

It should be acceptable to break up with annoying friends.

Why are we expected to speak with a Spanish accent in class when English-speaking Hispanics have accents? Can't we just be Spanish-speaking Caucasians? Or are we supposed to pretend to be Hispanic? I don't get it.

Don't put make out pictures on facebook. No one wants to see that.

Why do people I first meet feel obligated to tell me their whole life story? I just met you ten seconds ago...I don't need to know how messed up you are.

Debit cards are dangerous. Mine stole all my money.

I really don't care which way the toilet paper roll turns. My mother thinks it should always go under. I can't understand how it could possibly make a difference.

Why are people so obsessed with washing their hands? They're my hands. If they are covered in dirt and I want to eat with them, I will. They're clean when I say they're clean.

Stephanie sucks at blogging.

Why does no one play hide-n-seek anymore? You don't have to be a kid. I still think it's fun. I love coloring books too...and tag.

I am really bad at texting two-handedly. I just can't do it. I can only use one hand. Is that weird?

I think it's annoying when (on facebook) people 'like' something and then they comment on it too. Is that really necessary? One or the other. Please.

I love people who have the magical ability to make ANY situation awkward. I know quite a few of them. They make me laugh.

Why do people where fake glasses? I hate my glasses. There are people with perfect vision who where them. Why are they even in style? What happened to "four-eyes?"

Girls are too sensitive. I wish, for once, I could say what I'm really thinking when I'm listening to petty drama.

Computers are bad. I hate them. They have too many problems, yet my life depends on them. Pretty soon, they will control the world.

The next time someone asks me what my major is, I'm going to say I'm in ROTC. Just for fun.

Now, I have to go research the history of drug trafficking for a Spanish presentation. Who's jealous?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

What Happened?

I've been thinking a lot lately. Well, I guess I can't say lately because I'm always thinking a lot, but, instead, I've been thinking about the past. Often times, I find myself dwelling so much in the future, that I don't take the time to stop and remember the past.

I realized that my entire first semester of college is just kind of a blur. I feel like I wasn't really my self last semester, like I lost myself and someone else lived my life for a few months. It's not that I was consistently unhappy or anything horrible happened, but something was just different. Well obviously a lot of things were different. I don't know. It's hard to explain. It's not even that I had trouble with the change because I handle change fairly well. It just seems that when I think about the past, I kind of disregard that whole semester.

This semester, however, I found myself again. I am happy all the time, and I really feel that things are just going to get better from here. I can't wait to move into my apartment next fall with my new friends; I get more excited every day. Right now, though, I'm just waiting for can't come fast enough.

By the way, the weather is really getting on my nerves. I don't understand what's happening. I thought it was spring, but now I'm just confused.

Stupid global warming...wait, what?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Hello. I'm really busy this week so I don't have a lot of time to blog. Here is a list of things going on:

1) I'm starting to accept that there is no way I will get an A in Spanish this semester.
2) Today I saw a white guy with one pant leg rolled...he was serious.
3) My Psychology book actually felt the need to define the word, hunger: the general state of wanting to eat.
4) I can't wait to watch basketball on Saturday.
5) This is my favorite video of the week:
