Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back In The Hatt

For the maybe two people who read this, I'm finally taking the time to post on my new apartment.
I moved in last Friday, and let me tell you, it was no picnic. It took us quite a while to unload four ridiculously full cars up three flights of stairs. And did I mention it was about 95 degrees? Yeah. Not fun.

Sidenote: For anyone who is wondering, I did in fact fit pretty much everything I own in my car. However, I could not see out any of the back windows while driving. That was helpful.

After carrying everything upstairs, we super cleaned the kitchen because it was kinda gross and smelly, and took note of the various repairs needed. The whole apartment was a little jank at first. The doorknob for my bedroom was messed up and locked me inside one morning. What a treat that was. I just (hungrily) watched some TV for about an hour until my roomies woke up. Later that day, the maintenance dude came over to fix everything and gave me a new doorknob. Overall, though, it's a pretty nice place.
On Saturday, we explored the brand new Hy-Vee, which is really sweet. Our entire cart-full of food cost us only $87. I call that a win.
The last few days have been really lazy. There isn't really anything I need to do right now. I've been looking for a job, but haven't had much luck. I'm going to go out and apply to more places today. Hopefully I'll find something because I don't have a whole lot of money left...


Stephanie said...

have you cooked anything with your new pots and pans yet?! If not, your first dish should be brownies.

Jaime said...

we have and they're great! everyone loves them. we bought brownie mix, but haven't made them yet