Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Life As Of Now

Ok, time for an update. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but I don't have a lot free time these days.
School is alright. My classes are kind of hard and very time consuming. Besides that this year is pretty much the best ever. I absolutely love my apartment and my friends...I couldn't be happier. It's unbelievable how much better this year is than last year.
I got a job a week or two ago as a tutor, and it is quickly taking over my life. I think it is a good job for me, but it's a lot of work. I now have eight "tutees," which is 19 sessions a week. I am basically on campus all day long, everyday...it's pretty exhausting. But I get $7.50/hr, and each session is about an hour long, so hopefully I'll be making good money. I have four students in Spanish, two in Macroeconomics, and one in Microeconomics.
In addition to classes and tutoring, I am also joining a business fraternity, called Alpha Kappa Psi. As a pledge, I have to attend a weekly meeting, take a couple quizzes and a final, and go through two interviews. Once I'm a member, it will look really good on my resume, and there will be a lot of networking opportunities, so that will be a good activity to be involved in.
I've also been going to the rec everyday, which has been nice. Believe it or not, working out is really my time to relax because as soon as I get home from class and tutoring, I have a mountain of reading and homework assignments to do. So it is nice to take an hour each day to go work out and breathe a little. However, now that tutoring is taking up so much of my time, I doubt I will be able to sacrifice that hour everyday. I already had to skip out yesterday.
I am starting to really look into studying abroad this summer. I met with an adviser at the study abroad office and discussed programs and financial aid. I'm really hoping that I'll be able to do it. All that stands in my way is money, but there are a lot of scholarships available, and if I have to, I'll take out a loan. I'm planning on going to Spain, which has been a dream of mine pretty much since I first started learning Spanish.

I think that's pretty much all that I've been up to lately. I've just been really busy. But my family is going camping this weekend, so that will be a nice break from school...even though I'll have to study for two tests while I'm there..

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